Stories In Transit; Telling the Tale in Times of Conflict
Oxford – London – Palermo 2016-2017
Marina Warner, Professor of English and Creative Writing in Birkbeck’s School of Arts, is organising a three-day conference in the historic Marionettes Museum in Palermo, Italy, from 26-28 September 2016. The conference will bring together artists and writers, people with first-hand experience of migration, representatives of NGOs working with migrant and refugee groups, and teachers of Italian as a second language.
The conference falls within a broader project which seeks to create a toolkit, probably in the form of a Story Box, to support storytelling, culture and entertainment in places such as refugee camps, reception centres, and housing shelters.
Stories in Transit aims both to give a voice to those who have experienced dislocation and loss of home and to create mutual understanding, by exchanging stories about the different traditions, languages and experiences of so many displaced people, many of them minors.
As part of Matilde Gagliardo’s Living Portrait Exhibition. Silent footage shot at Santa Maddalena Writer’s Retreat in 2014.
Various exhibitions and publicity for Matilde’s Work:
‘Ritratti Viventi. Video di Matilde Gagliardo’, XXXVIII Festival Internazionale di Cinema e Donne, ’50 Giorni di Cinema Internazionale a Firenze’, Foyer of the Cinema La Compagnia, Florence, Italy, 5th-9th November 2016 Festival Internazionale di Cinema
Anime in Movimento. Video-Ritratti di Matilde Gagliardo/Souls in Movement. Video Portraits by Matilde Gagliardo, Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino, Palermo, Italy, 15th-30th October 2016 (on the occasion of the, Festival delle Letterature Migranti/Migrant Literature Festival, 12th-16th October 2016, and as an event of “The Day of Contemporary Art” of the AMACI, Associazione dei Musei d’Arte Contemporanea Italiani, 15th October 2016.
Vidéo-Portraits d’écrivains par Matilde Gagliardo, Galerie François Charles, Vidauban, France, 8th October 2016-12th January 2017.